Chitradurga District of Karnataka at a Glance

Lok Sabha Constituencies in Chitradurga district, Karnataka (MP Constituencies) Chitradurga
MLA Assembly Constituencies in Chitradurga district, Karnataka Challakere

About Chitradurga District :

CHITRADURGA Located at a distance of 202 kms Northwest of Bangalore, in the heart of the Deccan Plateau, Chitradurga is recognized as the land of valour and chivalry. The district headquarters town, Chitradurga owes its name to “Chitrakaladurga,” or “Picturesque castle”. This is a massive fortress on top of granite hills that rises dramatically from the ground. Archaeological remains found in the area, trace its history to the 3nd millennium B.C.

A rock cut edict of Emperor Ashoka, near Bharamagiri reveals that Chitradurga was part of the Mauryan Empire dating to the 3rd century B.C. After the fall of the Mauryans, this land was under the rule of royal dynasties like the Rashtrakutas, Chalukyas and Hoysalas. But it really achieved eminence, as a feudatory state of the Vijayanagar Empire, under the dynastic rule of the Nayakas or “Paleyars”, known for their heroic exploits. The most eminent of the feudatory chieftains, was Madakari Nayaka, who after the fall of the Vijayanagar Empire, declared his suzerainty and consolidated his power. This hill fortress built by the Nayakas during the Vijayanagar era, became their stronghold later. In 1779, the fort was captured by Haider Ali, who along with his son Tipu Sultan, was responsible for its expansion and strengthening. After Tipu Sultan’s defeat by the British, the fort came under the rule of the Royal Mysore family.

Chitradurga features bold rock hills and picturesque valleys, huge towering boulders in unimaginable shapes. It is known as the “stone fortress” (Kallina Kote). The landscape looks much like a mischievous giant’s playground, with boulders thrown around, forming silhouettes against the sky. According to a story in the Epic Mahabharatha, a man-eating gaint named Hidimbasura lived on the Chitradurga hill and was a source of terror to everyone around. When the Pandavas came with their mother Kunti in the course of their exile, Bhima had a duel with Hidimba. Hidimba was slain by Bhima and peace returned to the area. Legend has it the boulders were part of the arsenal used during that duel. In fact, the boulders on which major part of the city rests belong to the oldest rock formation in the country.

Timmana Nayaka a chieften under the Vijayanagar empire rose to the rank of governor of Chitradurga as a reward for his excellence in military achievements, from the Vijayanagara ruler. This was the beginning of the rule of the Nayakas of Chitradurga. His son Obana Nayaka is known by the name Madakari Nayaka 1588 CE. Madakari Nayaka’s son Kasturi Rangappa 1602 succeeded him and consolidated the kingdom to rule peacefully. As he had no heirs to succeed him, his adopted son, the apparent heir was enthroned but was killed in few months by the Dalavayis.

Chikkanna Nayaka1676 the brother of Madakari Nayaka II sat on the throne, and his brother succeeded him with the title Madakari Nayaka III in 1686. The unwillingness of Dalawayis to accept Madakari Nayaka III’s rule gave an opportunity to one of their distant relatives, Bharamappa Nayaka to ascend the throne in 1689. He is known as dthe greatest of the Nayaka rulers. Somehow, the subjects of Chitradurga did not experience a good reign of the successive rulers as they ruled on the throne for very brief periods. The Hiri Madakari Nayaka IV 1721, Kasturi Rangappa Nayaka II 1748, Madakari Nayaka V 1758 ruled this area but there is not much to mention of their rule

At a Glance

KARNATAKA T 13357027 61095297 30966657 30128640 7161033 3675291 3485742 10474992 5264545 5210447 4248987 2134754 2114233
KARNATAKA R 7946657 37469335 18929354 18539981 4517645 2317069 2200576 7495763 3771506 3724257 3429791 1723762 1706029
KARNATAKA U 5410370 23625962 12037303 11588659 2643388 1358222 1285166 2979229 1493039 1486190 819196 410992 408204
Chitradurga T 357003 1659456 840843 818613 184280 94629 89651 389117 196819 192298 302554 152939 149615
Chitradurga R 283669 1329923 675573 654350 149294 76667 72627 333571 169160 164411 266526 135209 131317
Chitradurga U 73334 329533 165270 164263 34986 17962 17024 55546 27659 27887 36028 17730 18298
Molakalmuru T 27551 141284 72049 69235 18674 9580 9094 27951 14391 13560 52908 26916 25992
Molakalmuru R 24202 125487 64095 61392 16815 8640 8175 25810 13311 12499 50797 25880 24917
Molakalmuru U 3349 15797 7954 7843 1859 940 919 2141 1080 1061 2111 1036 1075
Challakere T 76361 365784 185931 179853 41247 21318 19929 82899 42115 40784 107640 54709 52931
Challakere R 64311 310590 158343 152247 35489 18330 17159 73610 37456 36154 93795 47844 45951
Challakere U 12050 55194 27588 27606 5758 2988 2770 9289 4659 4630 13845 6865 6980
Chitradurga T 90256 423879 214563 209316 46679 23973 22706 101532 51160 50372 69629 35198 34431
Chitradurga R 56845 272142 138532 133610 30474 15721 14753 75409 38175 37234 57725 29386 28339
Chitradurga U 33411 151737 76031 75706 16205 8252 7953 26123 12985 13138 11904 5812 6092
Holalkere T 45730 207260 104992 102268 21195 10870 10325 56733 28730 28003 25395 12694 12701
Holalkere R 40855 185241 93964 91277 18952 9707 9245 52681 26748 25933 23498 11769 11729
Holalkere U 4875 22019 11028 10991 2243 1163 1080 4052 1982 2070 1897 925 972
Hosdurga T 53019 235116 119148 115968 25729 13172 12557 48272 24354 23918 18954 9431 9523
Hosdurga R 46441 206746 104605 102141 22697 11584 11113 44345 22300 22045 17684 8798 8886
Hosdurga U 6578 28370 14543 13827 3032 1588 1444 3927 2054 1873 1270 633 637
Hiriyur T 64086 286133 144160 141973 30756 15716 15040 71730 36069 35661 28028 13991 14037
Hiriyur R 51015 229717 116034 113683 24867 12685 12182 61716 31170 30546 23027 11532 11495
Hiriyur U 13071 56416 28126 28290 5889 3031 2858 10014 4899 5115 5001 2459 2542

Tourist Places :

Chandravalli:- Suituated at the north easterly axis of the Chitradurga hill, the Chandravalli is an ancient archaeological site. Digs revealing bricks, painted pottery and coins are traced to the Satavahana period as well as well as prehistoric times. The Basavanagondi region has the Byraveshwara Temple

Ankali Mutt:- Nestling amongst a group of rugged hills, west of Chitradurga, this mutt is known for its subterranean chambers. Near the Panchalinga cave (Wonder cave) entrance, is an inscription dated 1286 A.D. executed in the reign of the Hoysala King Narasimha III.

Bruhanmutt:- Located about three kms from Chitradurga this mutt, also known as Sri. Murugarajendra Matt was built in honour of an eminent guru of the Veershaiva

Community. The main object of worship is the Gudduge (tomb) of lmmadi Muruga Swamy.

Aadumalleshwara:- Located 5 kms. from Chitradurga, is a Shiva Cave temple built by Aadooru Mallapa. An interesting feature is a perennial stream that flows through the Nandi’s (buills) mouth.

Ingaladalu:- Two kms from Chitradurga, this village is known for its copper mines. It is believed, that ancient times gold and silver mines were here

Thamatekallu:- Located 8 kms from Chitradurga, this place has the oldest hero stone in Karnataka. Ancient rock cut inscriptions are also found her.

Jogimatti:- Ten kms. south of Chitradurga is this hill resort, situated at a height of 3803 ft. (The highest point in the district). The place is named after a yogi, who was well known for his social service. Himavatkedra, a waterfall that flows through the rocks, has created a natural cave, that has a Shiva Linga and idols of Veerabhadra and Basavanna.

Sirigere:- Located northwest of Chitradurga, Sirigere is well known for the Veershaiva Mutt of Taralabalu Jagadguru. The monastery is noted for the educational and religious centers run by them.

Neerthadi:- Thirty eight kms. from Chitradurga, this village has the famous Ranganathaswamy Temple in the Vijayanagar style

Nayakanahatti:- Thirty five kms Chitradurga, this place has the temple dedicated to the sage, Thipperudraswamy. The fact that his Samadhi (tomb) is also located here makes it a popular religious center. An annual jatra (fair) takes place here during the month of Phalgun.

Hiriyur:- Situated on the right bank of the river Vedavati, this town is famous for the Terumalleswara Temple, built in the Dravidian style, with lofty Operas (Pyramdal towers) piercing the sky. The ceiling of the Mukhmantap (Main hall), is painted with scenes from the Shivpurana and the Ramayana.

Vani Vilas Sagar : (ManrikanvieThirty two kms, from Chitradurga, this is an artificial lake, also called Marie Kanive, built by the Maharaja of Mysore, built across the river Vedavathi. Measuring 162 ft. by 1300 ft., this reservoir has two mantapa (pavilion halls) built in the saracenic style and is considered an engineering marvel

Gayatri Jalashaya: This reservoir, was built, also by the Maharaja of Mysore built across the river Suvarnamukhi. It is a pleasant picnic spot.

Holalkere:- Thirty five kms. from Chitradurga and taluk headquarters, this was an important jain settlement in the 10th century A.D. it is also famous for its nine foot high statue of the child god Baal Antipathy, built by Gallops NAACO.

Malladihalli: Forty five kms. from Chitradurga, this new village is well known for the Raghavendra Swamy Seva Ashram that runs an orphanage, Yoga education and Ayurvedic Centre.

Ramagiri:This palce is known for the Veerabhadraswamy temple and the Karisiddeshwara Mutt, built on a hillock.

Doddahotterangappa’s hill: The Ranganathaswamy temple is situated on top of a hill. Climbing the steep hill can be a delight for trekkers

Halurameshwar: Local lore has it that once wishes can be fulfilled and once future predicted by looking into the well, “Udbavagange”, which makes it a popular place for visitors. Called as Varava Koduva Bhavi”.

Jankal: This is the birth place of the Chitradurga’s last chieftain, Madakari Nayaka.

Bagooru: Seventy kms. from Chitradurga, this place is known for the ancient Chennakeshava temple.

Heggere: The Jain monastery, located here and the Kalleshwara temple are the attractions.

Dasaratha Rameshwara: This is a peaceful religious center, in the midst of a picturesque forest area.

Molakalmuru:- About 80 kms. from Chitradurga, this town is renowned for its hand woven silk textiles. Kugo Bande, or Shouting Rock, is a huge rock, where you can experience your voice resounding as an echo.

Nunke Malae:- This is a small hillock, covered with lush vegetation, with a ancient temple of Byraveshwara.

Brahmagiri:- 63 kms. from Chitradurga, this village is famous on account of Emperor Ashoka’s earliest rock edicts in the Brahmi script and Prakrit language dating to the 3rd century B.C. it is also the ancient site of Ishila, one of Ashoka’s provincial capitals.

Ashoka Siddapura:- About forty kms. from Bharamagiri, this is an importantarch aneological site where Ashoka’s edicts have been found. Nearby, there is a hillock, known as Ramagiri. Myth has it that when Ravana was abducting Sita to Lanka, the legendary eagle, Jatayu made a heroic sruggle to save here, but lost his life in the ensuing fight. Thereafter, Rama performed its last rites and installed a Shiva performed its last rites and installed a Shiva linga on the spot. The place was henceforth called Jattinga Rameshwara Linga and a temple dedicated to Rameshwara built in 926 A.D. exists.

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